Online Learning Interactions
Problem-Based Learning Module
This module is a combination of five lessons in a review format. The course is presented in 5 problem-based learning situations to cover the same topics as the initial course.
This is a learning interaction designed to address the issue of having more than one answer correct in a multiple choice situation.
Timed Questions
This is a supportive learning interaction designed to have a set amount of time to answer a question with feedback on completion.
Sentence Select
This is a supportive learning interaction designed to help model and promote understanding regarding communication between professionals and between professionals and their clients.
Problem-Based Learning Module
This course is a combination of five previous courses designed for Direct Support Professionals to review the main concepts regarding medication support and the needs of their client population.
Each of the five modules presented contain an ill-structured program with various pieces of information to give context to the situation. Supportive information is also provided to the learner. The learner is then able to present a possible solution to the problem, complete a quiz, and provide a reflection on the presented situation.
This course is coded using HTML5, CSS3, and JQuery. The course presented here is trucated.
Medication Review Course - HTML
Here is a mockup of the same course using ActionScript 3. This example is missing the solution area markup.
This learning interaction was designed as a result of content authors asking for more selectable options within multiple choice questions. This interaction currently is not coded for tracking or data collection, but could have that functionality added.
After the learner selects a question to answer, the options scroll down. When an option is selected, two levels of feedback are provided. The first is a simple green check or red x indicating whether the selected answer is right or wrong. The second level of feedback is customizable text for further explanation. Once all of the correct answers are selected, the unselected wrong answers are removed, but the selected wrong answers are still visible.
Timed Questions
This is a supportive learning interaction designed to have a set amount of time to answer a question with feedback on completion.
AFter the learner clicks to start the interaction, a picture and question is presented. The learner has a limited amount of time to respond to the question. If the question is answered, the answer is recorded. If the question is not answered in the alloted time, the lack of an answer is recorded.
Upon the completion of the interaction, the learner is presented with some feedback and a presentation of the learner's answers.
Sentence Select
This is a supportive learning interaction designed to help model and promote understanding regarding communication between professionals and between professionals and their clients.
When the learner rolls over the sentences, the key sentences that have further explaination are highlighted. The learner can then click on the sentence to read the details. This information is presented in a modal dialogue box.
Other options with this interaction have included asking reflective or prompting questions regarding the highlighted information.
Open Educational Resources - Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K)
The BD2K Project
This project created Open Educational Resources focused on Big Data and scientific inquiry. 22 modules were developed with the help of 8 Subject Matter Experts.
Voice Over and Video Production
As part of the BD2K project, various multimedia assets were created.
Teaching Materials
The use of the material from the BD2K Open Educational Resources resulted in the transformation and remixing of the content to fit various formats.
The BD2K Project
The goal of this project is to develop open educational resources (OERs) for use in courses, programs, workshops, and related activities as part of the National Institutes Of Health (NIH) Big Data To Knowledge (BD2K) Program.
The materials is focused on those needing to learn at the advanced introductory level, including but not limited to beginning informatics graduate students, established investigators and senior trainees seeking to learn more about data science to expand their research programs, advanced undergraduates exploring future career paths into data science, as well as a variety of established professionals who need to understand and apply knowledge of the application of BD2K concepts in their present jobs.
Open Educational Resources for BD2K main page
Some of the pieces produced for the project are linked below along with the project GitHub repository for community forking and use. Each module has various elements such as powerpoint presentations, exercises, and audio files.
HTML5 Web presentation produced with Articulate Studio
SCORM package produced with Articulate Studio - Downloads a ZIP file
Voice over and video production
As part of the BD2K project, some voice over and video assets were needed.
This example uses both screen capture and voice over to explain the differences between two Algorithms types and the information they produce.
Audacity was the software used and audio was recorded through an Audio-Technica AT2020USB+ Cardioid Condenser USB Microphone.
Teaching Materials
The OERs are designed for adaptation, for the instructor to use these materials as needed. The content might be used to generate a student guide and outline for a lecture or an instructor could use the recorded audio as a supplement to in-class activities.
Here is an example of a how the OERs were transformed into a student guide for a presentaion.
Data and Donuts - Participant Guide
Here is an example of how the material was presented as a short course to a broad range of learners.
Assessments and Data Collection
Preschool Science Application Assessment
This was a prototype assessment for examining what preschool-aged children knew about science and scientific activities.
The Future Teacher’s Technology Use Survey
This was a survey used for assessing pre-service teacher's use of technology and identifying other areas and possible uses of technology.
This interaction was used in conjunction with focus group work done in a high school digital media program.
Preschool Science Application Assessment
This assessment tool was build for another grad student in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathmatics program. The goal was to provide an environment that was easy to use for both the researcher and the preschooler.
This was to be deployed via a server running on a USB jump drive, using a Tablet PC with touch screen. The environment has a simple management interface for the various testing sites. All of the directions were presented via audio instructions and skill checks were built into the system, such as understanding where to touch on the screen for the answers.
The Future Teacher’s Technology Use Survey
This survey was designed to capture information about the use of technology in pre-service teachers. The principles of the survey design are based on those of Dillman.
This custom-coded survey allows for the most relevant items of the survey to be presented based on previous responses. This survey was developed in ActionScript 3 using XML as the source for the item and response text and MySQL database for data storage.
Please note: The survey is in Flash and the password is "funsurvey" (without the quotes).
This interaction was part of a focus group project involving a class of 11th grade high school students in a digital media program.
The goal of the project was to help understand what the students thought and said about the digital media program. The task the students were helping out with was the design of the program webpage / blog.
To use the tool, students dragged color blocks they felt represented the program from the palette to various areas representing the website. This tool was intended to be used after the students selected color groups they felt represented the program. The directions for the tool were presented in person and demostrated on an eWhiteBoard. This tool was built using ActionScript 3 with an XML page presenting the original color selections and a MySQL database for storage of the final color groupings.
ActionScript/Flash Projects
Reflektii - pre-alpha
This is the current state of the Reflektii project. A complete skinning and redesign of the original prototype has occurred.
Reflektii - Prototype
This is the original design and development of the Reflektii project. This project is exploring how to better facilitate teacher reflection and communication.
Reflektii - pre-alpha
This interation of Reflektii is a complete reskinning of the original design and recoding of the origninal development. Recommendations from usiblity testing, both formal and informal, was integrated into the project. Some of the recommnedations included: 1) Audio only recording of the reflections 2) Better integrated notes & 3) privacy control.
The principles of learner collaboration and reflection have played into other additional functions of the environment.
Please note: There is limited functionality of this environment as it is intented to work with Flash Media Server.
Reflektii - Prototype
This is the original design and development for the Reflektii project. The project is a tool for teachers to use to help reflect on the days events and share that reflection to others for feedback.
Reflektii uses a Flash based front-end with a MySQL back-end and Flash Media Server to handle the video recording and playback. PHP is used to manage the bi-directional dataflow between the front-end and the back-end.
Please note: There is limited functionality of this site